Date of Publish: 08-16-2019
This blog is created to document my backpacking voyager and nerdy ideas during my ‘sabbatical’ (yes, I know sabbatical does not really exist in non-academic world but let’s define this crazy idea as sabbatical in this blog).
I would like to express my deepest appreciation and affection to my family. Without your understanding and support, I would not have had the courage to take this step. And yes, many thanks to all my friends and colleagues for all the time we spent together for the short and for the long!
Last but not least, I’m ineffably indebted to my life-long mentor HSM for your inspiring ideas and supports!
Lan, what if you get bored during the trip?
To keep myself entertained and to do something meaningful along my voyager exploring the world and myself, here is the birth of this BLOG! Please consider it as a documentary dealing with facts and reality not a feature film. I may be wrong and/or biased but everything here reflects 100% of my true feelings, opinions, and what I see and experience.
About the Blog
Date of Publish: 08-16-2019
This is a static blog generated by HEXO and hosted on Github. It is created, developed and maintained by myself with certain limitations.
This blog is NOT sponsored by anybody!
To my dear readers:
- First, thank you for spending your time on this blog.
- To comment, you need a Github account (nerdy alert). Sorry, currently Gitalk plugin is used on the blog. I tried very hard to meet your needs (yes, I am talking to you may picky initial readers) but failed. I plan to build customized comment blocks based on Firebase if time allows and my web development skill improves.
- As for the picture requests, they will come but they may not be pretty/stunning pictures as you found on traveling magazines or Instagram. Very limited staged/beautified pictures will be posted and definitely no faking photos. Let’s keep it real! You will see messy cities, unpaved dusty/muddy roads, ‘nasty’ food, me in dirty cloths etc… Don’t get me wrong, I acknowledge staged photos belong to a genre of photographic art just not my style.
- The demand for stories will be served once the ‘ship’ departs its home port and contingent on WIFI availability and energy level. Based on my education and origin, please bear with me on the grammar, limited vocabulary and writing skills. Same applies to my Chinese readers with the Chinese articles to be posted…
ProtonVPN (提供免费账号,没有在国内亲测过!测评请看这里)
最后,blog主要用英语参杂中文文章。前期是因为HEXO的技术文大多是中文的,希望给国际友人提供Hexo的资讯,决定以英语撰写Hexo Blog搭建过程。后期,图床搭建外加百度实名认证失败(世界第二大搜索器没有收录本博客),一度开始怀疑人生了,选择了可靠的Google网盘。智慧勤劳勇敢的中国人民,相信英语它就不是个事!反正我英语水平也就那样,没啥高大上的词汇量。