The Amazon dawn to Civilization…
Hexo-Edit Blog on Multiple Computers
Procrastination…I admit that I was back to my sweet home last year to be exact at midnight December 24, 2019 after 4+ months adventure in South America. Then I was on real do-nothing vacation first for couple of days followed by researching and planning my next Africa trip. Finally, I am back to update my blog…still before I can do that, I need to move the work to my desktop. Hopefully, this works. Let’s check out the first push from the desk top!
The packing list for my South America voyager. The preparation and shopping started back in May 2019 and part of the gears were purchased from China. Although the backpacks seem to be small from the picutures, the total weight of the two backpacks are 25kg! I am packing way too much backup stuff, which I believe account for about 8kg waste or not so critical stuff. Anyway, reviews of the gears will be updated as the voyager continues.
Name of Ship: Lan30s
Call Sign:
Home Port: Phoenix, AZ
Hull Identification Number (HIN): CN-SHx-99999-Ix-8x
Date of First Entry: 08-16-2019
Date of Maiden Voyage: 0:50AM, 08-20-2019
Date of Publish: 08-16-2019
Captain has no clear direction of the voyager. The objective function here is to maximize personal utility function (yet to be defined if it’s ever possible) subject to allocated budget, time and captain’s physical conditions. Or maybe it’s a feasibility problem without a clearly defined objective function? OK, let’s stop here. I have already received enough complaints about the boring contents of this blog from ALL of my test readers…
After northern Peru (the dense marks), location marks only indicate possible major stops along the route. At the date of publish, captain has a one-way flight ticket and 3 nights hostel reservation in Lima, Peru.
The Voyager Map
The actual route will be updated in real-time with some delays…