Hexo - Add Gitalk Comment

A simple instruction on how to add Gitalk but lengthy discussion on why I selected Gitalk and some further issues with this plugin after implementation.

The Comment Plug-In

Today is my day 7 with Hexo. Goal is to add comment feature here.

My requirements:

  • Simple and elegant
  • Easy to manage
  • Allow Anonymous comments
  • FREE

As always, let’s begin with some google search to find the popular ones.

  • Gitment: no maintenance anymore –> OUT
  • LiveRe: a Korean plug-in; it allows people to login with most popular social media account or just use email to comment. Sorry, don’t like its appearance –> OUT
  • hypercomment: it has everything I wanted but it’s not a free plug-in –> OUT
  • Gitalk: only problem is that it requires a Github account. –> CHOOSEN as of today
  • Valine: after implemented Gitalk, checked Valine and it seems good. –> will test in the future

Updated on August 2, 2019:

  • Valine: it requires to have a LeanCloud account. Surprisingly, it accepts international phone number for account registration. However, after successfully proved I am a human via image verification more than 5 times, the website refused to send me verification code to my US number. Fine, you are OUT!
  • Disqus: I just don’t like your appearance. Sorry, OUT!

To conclude, Gitalk is the final winner here!

Gitalk Implementation

Step 1: Register Application on Github


Step 2: Obtain Client ID & Client Secret

Step 3: I created a new repo to store all the comments. You can skip this step.

Step 4: Gitalk setup

It’s really easy with next theme. At the time of writing this post, my next version is v7.2.0. It comes with all the specifications for Gitalk. So there is no need to change several swig files as one would find from Google search. To implement Gitalk, one just need to change the theme _config.yml as follows:

enable: ture
github_id: lanVoyager # GitHub repo owner
repo: gitalkHexoComment # Repository name to store issues
client_id: obtained from Step 2 # GitHub Application Client ID
client_secret: obtained from Step 2 # GitHub Application Client Secret
admin_user: lanVoyager # GitHub repo owner and collaborators, only these guys can initialize gitHub issues
distraction_free_mode: true # Facebook-like distraction free mode
language: [en, zh-CN]

Step 5: Blog deployment

Gitalk Initialization

Another issue with Gitalk after implementation?!

It require admin to initialize the comment blocks for each and every post?!?! The good news is that you only need to initialize once and then for each newly pushed post, you have to manually initialize it. Just click it and login your Github.

There is scripts available online which does initialization automatically. I have decided postpone further time & efforts investing into Gitalk. I may switch to Valine. Yes, Valine you are welcome to fail me in other ways. But not today!

Gitalk Comment Count in Title Block

Added on August 14, 2019

I don’t like to have a pair of ‘critical’ eyes and being picky here. However, I just found that the comment count icon under the title block does not show ACURATE comment counts under each post with Gitalk. Yesterday, I complained about the word count estimates provided by hexo-symbols-count-time(here) and the very next day, another complain on inaccurate count for comments…Yes, I just can’t withstand BAD data and those things made my soul itching…

Here is the problem:

Quick Google Results

I maybe wrong, but it seems that at the moment (8/14/2019), Gitalk does not provide nexT comment counts. Basically, the two values are not linked. I believe that there is a way to correct it. However, I don’t have the time to dig it out. For now, the comment count will be removed.

FYI, nexT v7.2.0 comment counts seem to be working with (refer to post.swig):

  • facebook_comments
  • disqus
  • valine
  • changyan

How to Remove Comment Icon

This can be changed in post.swig (.\themes\next\layout\_marco). Search for if post.comments and remove the entire block.

For my own record, the backup file with the original comment block is named as post_08142019.swig.